Off The Grid had 32 players attend and compete in the midwest for the title of OTG Champion! The top cut was dominated by Shaper and Criminal, with a single Esa representing Anarch. The grand finals featured a bout between NBN and Weyland versus two different flavors of Shaper. In the end, Sebastian was able to take the title!

NANPC OTG Recap Featured Image

Congratulations to Sebastian Kocz for winning Off The Grid!

Sebastian took down the event with his signature “Big Ob” weyland deck, using Mutually Assured Destruction and a deluge of installed cards to overwhelm the runner. His runner deck was a value oriented Lat list, aimed at grinding down the corporation. 

We caught up with Sebastian for his thoughts on the event!

Congratulations on your win at Off The Grid!  You chose to bring Ob and Lat to the event, why those decks?

I’ve been playing this Ob on and off since Worlds. It is a comfort pick which I also expected to be good in the meta following a tournament where many non-hoshiko runners shined: I couldn’t pass up the chance to play it. My favorite runner right now is World Tree Ari, but I didn’t want my wrists falling off from too much shuffling, so I went with Sokka’s Lat from continentals. He claimed in his writeup that it could deal with a multitude of threats, and a good all-round deck was what I wanted in a corp meta that hadn’t solidified yet.

How did you prepare for the event?

I had just come off from preparing a lot for American continentals the weekend before, so I was already running pretty hot. I knew Ob well enough that I didn’t need to practice any more with it, so I focused on Lat. I was able to get in about 15 smurf games against randoms and a few more games against fellow TAI-breakers. I also asked Sokka for his game replays from continentals, which he graciously shared along with some notes about each game. Watching him play helped me get in a more reactive mindset, which this Lat requires.

Did you have any memorable games or moments on the day?

My last Lat game in swiss was wild. I was against RH, and we were both on game point after many twists and turns. As the clock was running out, my opponent installed and double advanced a card in the remote. There were two facedown upgrades in the remote that I hadn’t managed to deal with, and I only had 1 Pinhole threading. Fearing two Anoetic Voids, I pinholed archives to trash one, and then ran HQ to force the corp to give me back another pinhole with DJ Steve.

Archives was iced, and I wanted to save the revolver counters, so I pinholed a remote that had a single unrezzed ice. The ice on the scoring server still wasn’t rezzed, so I figured the corp may not have enough money to rez something like an Anansi. Turns out, the ice was a Konjin, which could force me to encounter an Anansi for cheap and ruin all my math. I had to win the psi game. We put our hands under the table to prepare the bid. Absent-mindedly in the lead up to the event, I had been practicing the motion of bidding zero on a psi game. So, it only seemed right to bid that. When we open our palms, they are both empty. 

The pinhole revealed that the second upgrade was a mavirus, so all that effort was wasted, but thankfully I still had just enough credits to break in and steal the winning Fuji (and one left over, so I could have trashed a second void if there was one!).

Should we expect you at any NANPC events in the future?

There is a chance I’ll go to Cascadia, it will have to be a last-minute decision though.

Anyone you want to shout out?

TAI breakers for the great comradery so far this season and welcoming me into the fold, and Sokka for the tips on playing the Lat. Also Orbs for organizing, and CTZ and cranked for some hilarious commentary.

July looks to be a packed month for NANPC events, with NANPC Philadelphia running from the 13th to the 14th of July, and NANPC San Francisco running the week after on July 20th! Circuit points have also been updated. Keep your eyes peeled as we reveal our end of year prizing for the top 8 finishers on the NANPC Leaderboard!

Check out below for some photos from the event!