Congratulations to William “Sokka234” Huang for winning Cascadia!

William won the event with his iconic Aginfusion Glacier and “Boring” Lat decks. His third national win of the season, we caught up with William to get his thoughts on the event.
Congratulations on your win at Cascadia! You chose to bring Aginfusion And Lat to the event, why those decks?
These were very much comfort picks. I know the decks well, I know the matchups well, the decks are fun to play, and these two decks were what I used to win West Canadian Nationals and East US Nationals so there was really no reason to bring anything different.
How did you prepare for the event?
Having played in East US Nationals the weekend before, there wasn’t much prep for Cascadia in particular. The corp deck was exactly the same with a good matchup against an array of aggressive runners and can reasonably handle World Tree Arissana. The runner is similarly very strong and is largely the same from the weekend before. I decided to put in a second Deep Dive because I expected more fast HB decks and decks that have random sources of damages (Azef, City Works, PE, etc)
Did you have any memorable games or moments on the day?
The game against Paillu in round 2 of the cut will forever be an all-time highlight. Score is 0-0. Paillu is playing Freedom with Hermes, God of War, Fermenter, and Leech installed, all with a bunch of virus counters. I’m playing Ag. I have 2 ice HQ, 2 ice R&D, 1 ice archives, and 3 ice on remote, all unrezzed. In the remote I have a rezzed La Costa and a Nisei MK II with 2 advancement counters. My hand is 3 agendas, Hansei, Subliminal. Paillu installs Crew and runs HQ. There’s a Seisentan that doesn’t make sense to rez because it can be broken by Leech and God of War. I trash it with Ag to redirect the run to archives (this is a misplay but don’t worry about). Paillu attempts another HQ run on click 3. I rez Anansi just to eat up the Crew, which it does. The access hit Hansei and 5 virus counters are used to Freedom trash it. Click 4 runs back into HQ and hits the 1/4 Subliminal. On my turn, with no ice in hand to protect HQ, I La Costa the Nisei to 3 counters, advance and score on click 1, Hermes is forced to bounce an ice back to hand, which is then installed protecting HQ on click 2, and click 3 is installing another agenda in the remote.
Anyone you want to shout out?
Shoutout to the ban list team for banning World Tree. Big relief.
A well earned congratulations to William for winning Cascadia! Our NANPC leaderboard is now updated with results from all NANPC events! Stay tuned for an announcement at worlds regarding prizing for the top 8 finishers…
Check out more photos from the event below: