What is the NANPC?

The NANPC is a circuit of tournaments that will run across North America, beginning in March of this year and ending in September. These tournaments run in parallel to the existing Null Signal Games organized play system. An NSG nationals may be a stop on the NANPC circuit or a community ran tournament may also be a NANPC event.

What am I competing for?

NANPC tournaments will have exclusive prizes given away at all circuit events. Additional prizing may be supplemented by each tournament organizer. Attendees will also earn NANPC Circuit Points based on their placement.

Circuit Points will be tracked in the upcoming leaderboard page of this website (check back for it soon). Playing in an NANPC event will earn you Circuit Points. The higher your placement in an event, the more Circuit Points you earn. The number of Circuit Points up for grabs at an event is also determined by attendance. The larger the event, the more Circuit Points you can earn. Players at the top of the leaderboard will win exclusive prizes at the end of the circuit in September. Expect the leaderboard to be updated shortly after each circuit event concludes.

More details on prizing will be announced in the coming months, and the prizing page will be updated accordingly.

Where are these NANPC Circuit Events being held?

All the current NANPC Circuit Events can be seen in the by clicking the Events link in the main menu. There are nine stops on the NANPC circuit. Today we are announcing the following four events:

In addition, the following cities will host NANPC events this year, with details coming soon:

Who is running the NANPC?

The NANPC is a collection of volunteer Tournament Organizers from across North America. It is also ran with the assistance of community volunteers who have helped with organizing, graphic design and web site design.

We’re excited to run the NANPC! We hope to see you at one of the circuit events this year!

The NANPC would like to thank the following individuals for their help with this project:

Phil “0thmxma” Laroche for help with graphic design
Kodie “Enkoder” Goodwin for help with designing the circuit points leaderboard system
Alec “Sindarin” Morrison for help with website design and creation